Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I survived!

I had jury duty today and was really dreading it. Although I had to wait half of the day away in the court building, I was fortunate to not have to be a juror. I was dismissed at 11:00! Woo hoo!

I was somewhat miserable from what I think is a sinus infection this morning, so I came home and slept and skipped out on work for the rest of the day. It was for the best. I utilized my time and got my car cleaned while the weather was still nice. I hear the weather reports saying its going to get substantially cold in the next two days.

My Venice painting is coming along slowly but I am pleased with how it is going. I can't believe I have to turn in a painting in the next couple of days for the student show. Ah! I am not ready!

Ah, I almost forgot. Rebecca's birthday was crazy fun on Saturday. We went to dinner at a place called, "Holy Frijoles," which had pretty decent Mexican food and then went out on the town and drank too much. I was not a happy camper the next day.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Today my grandmother's sister, Aunt Neva, past away. It was so sad. I tried my best not to feel sad since I was in such good company. The funeral is Saturday afternoon. I am not looking forward to it.
Happier things... I roamed around the neighborhood with my little cousins, DR and Laura, and my brother Ben. I took pictures of the changing leaves and random things I found along our way.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

All's good

Been busy as usual. Worked on a few house offers. Got off early from work today and got myself to start exercising again. I cannot believe that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Going to Grandma's tomorrow and eating excessively. The holidays have crept up on me.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Travel thoughts

I'm ready to start traveling again! Whether it be eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Spain & Portugal or Australia & New Zealand. I'm ready...I've just got to find the right tour so I can be prepared for the Spring! I think the Travel Channel is my new best friend.

Besides being travel excited, I've been painting more than usual lately. I'm thinking small paintings as Christmas presents. I have A LOT to paint. Wee hoo!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Err, cold weather

Just the other day I was fine in a T-shirt and jeans. Now I am wearing a hooded sweatshirt over a t-shirt and I am still cold. Texas weather is insane.

I am kept busy at the office. There seems to be a neverending pile of work to do. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I really value my time away from constant business. There always seems like there is never enough time.

Already I am thinking about my next vacation. I have to decide where to go and which tour company to take. I am leaning toward eastern Europe, Scandinavia or Spain/Portugal. We shall see...I'm thinking April or May time.

The art show, Art Conspiracy, is coming up quickly. Nov. 30 we create our art and Dec.1 is the show! I can't wait to help out. I volunteered last year and am volunteering again this year.

I am so sleepy. I just can't stay up anymore.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

It's getting cold outside.

Playing catch up here. Overall, had the talk with Jocelyn the following week. I definitely will not set anything in stone with her. Apparently from converstaion with Matt and Erin, she has being doing this fequently.

Went to the museum with Miss Ashley & Steven last Sunday and saw the Van Gogh exhibit, Sheaves of Wheat. I think I have seen more Van Gogh paintings that any other artist now. While in downtown Dallas, I acted the part of tourist and took a few pics.

Business wise, things have been good. I submitted a lot of city problems to the City of Dallas people at our monthly meeting. They can't say I just complain. I do my part every month! I also met some bankers that's to Dad at a cocktail party on Thursday. Wow, I feel so adult now. I saw Ebby Halliday, a famous Broker in Dallas Real Estate. She was a cute little 90 year old lady smaller than my mom.

Recent art inspirations have been birds on telephone wires. I want to take more pictures of them.

I went to painting class this Saturday for our first critique. I felt like my paintings were still all unfinished. Seeing other people's work was motivating.

I had a good time last night. Went to a gallery opening with Miss Ashley, Steven & Jenna for a professor from Brookhaven Community college. Had my first Hot Tottie...it's like tainted limonade. We headed to see the midnight showing of Pee Wees Big Adventures. I felt like I was getting old. I started yawning during the beginning of the movie. I am not used to staying up that late anymore.